Wednesday 2 October 2013

180 degree rule script , video and evaluation

180 degree rule


Two characters are engaging in a conversation about a recent homework task
Character 1: [Enters the room]
Character 1: Hi
Character 2: Hi
Character 1:[Questioning] Have you done the homework ?
Character 2: [Shocked] No, what homework?!
Character 1: The media homework that was set last week- we've had eight days to do it!
Character 2: [Confused] Oh.... what was it?
Character 1: That worksheet we started in lesson
Character 2: [Relieved] Oh thats ok , I'll do it this lunch time
Character 1: You better do it!
Character 2: I will!




Within this activity my main roles were creating the script and playing character 1. To make sure this task was to a high standard we made sure our camera was placed on a tripod and placed within the 180 degree rule to prevent any continuity errors. In regards to framing we made sure both characters were well within the frame and character was always placed on the left while character 2 always remained on the right. The video was shot in one continuous take so therefore all aspects within mise-en-scene remained the same throughout. We used the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot efficiently as we remained within the 180 degree perimeter , character 1 was always remained on the left hand side of the screen.When editing we were able to portray to the viewer that both characters are having a conversation though being able to cut from one character to the other. Additionally we used clean cuts for the conversation between the characters to portray the shot reverse shot. Next time we would like to improve the lighting used throughout the sequence. When using shot reverse shot there was a significant difference in lighting between character 1 and character 2.Finally ensure that our next practical activity is a success we intend to use two cameras and want to use better lighting to help with the continuity of the sequence.

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