Wednesday 23 October 2013

Match on action

Match on action

Match on action is were an action that commences in shot A is completed in shot B. Therefore enables a smooth transition from one angle to another. Within this activity we had to show a person going to sit down on a chair then get up and leave. To start off we sketched out the set and planned where the best places would be to place the camera's. We took into the account continuity errors so therefore we decided to use two cameras. Additionally due to having two cameras we had to strategically place the cameras so we wouldn't be able to see them in the shot.

Above is our edited sequence which has been uploaded to you tube. Within this activity I was in charge of camera 2 and helped out with editing.
The simplest part of the activity was the actually filming of the sequence as we used two cameras which made the process quicker. However due to the use of two cameras the hardest part was the actual placement of the cameras to get the best shots and make sure that camera 1 did get camera 2 in the shot . Additionally when editing the sequence we changed the angle when the character was raising her leg to get up . We felt that this wasn't very substantial and therefore decided to repeat the process by changing some aspects. We then went on to change the start angle and when we changed the angle. The second attempt on the video embedded above showed the use of match on action mush more successfully. I've learnt how to discreetly change and angle in a sequence using match on action which will be helpful when creating our music video. To improve this sequence in the future I believe we should have tried out a variety of angles to see which ones flowed better.

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