Wednesday 25 September 2013

180 Degree Rule and Shot-Reverse-Shot

180 degree rule and shot-reverse-shot

For the production of our film sequence we researched into the 180 degree rule and shot-reverse shot. The '180 degree rule' helps maintain continuity throughout the sequence by stating that the camera should always stay on one side of the actors.

I have taken the picture from google images to show that the camera should always stay on one half of the circle. As an example when filming actors having a conversation, The character in blue should always stay on the right side of the frame while the orange character should always remain on the left.When you break this rule it may appear as though the characters are not looking at each other.

Additionally the second Editing technique we looked at was shot-reverse-shot. This starts with a shot of one subject , then straight cuts to the second subject then finally straight cuts back to the first subject. This is typically used when a conversation is happening on screen. This is shown below in an image I found on google.

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