Sunday 13 April 2014


Question 1:
Embedded below is the answer to question 1, answered by Myself using prezi.

Question 2:
Embedded below is the answer to question 2, answered by Myself.

The social group that is mainly focused upon in our horror movie opening is adolescent girls. 

We have followed a very stereotypical route when we have presented them in our film. The idea of a damsel in distress have been played upon the most. We have a teen girl who is in a desolate forest on her own and appears to be on edge. She is constantly turning and checking to see if someone is following her. The reason we used this was to keep our horror movie conventional. She is portrayed to be helpless and vulnerable. Additionally we were also representing the youth as unwise , while watching the film the audience would be questioning the characters motives as why would a wise individual enter a forest alone? This builds on a popular idea that adolescents are quite irresponsible. 

Question 3:
Embedded below is the answer to question 3, answered by Myself using

Then embedded below, I have taken screen shots of how The film 'The Ring' has influenced our choices when creating our music video. From these screen shots we have taken tips on editing , the location used and the actors in our movie. The first pictures shows how Dreamworks used editing to achieve the horror genre. They applied effect of a fuzzy TV to their ident and we decided to use this in our horror movie. In the second picture it shows the use of the Fuzzy Tv effect on Final cut pro whenever the Ghost of Kayleigh's past appears on the screen. Secondly our location was influenced by the ring as it starts in a desolate house in the woods. Within our horror movie , our main actress is drawn towards an empty building in the woods. This location is very convention within the horror movie genre. Lastly within 'The Ring" two adolescent girls are shown at the start and our horror movie is based around two teenage girls. From this we have decided to stick with the convention of having a typical damsel in distress.

Questions 4,5,6 and 7:
Embedded below is the link to Kala and Georgia's Weebly page, Kala completed questions 4 and 5, and Georgia completed questions 6 and 7.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Our Horror movie

Embedded below is our final horror sequence. This is our final project that includes both the ident we have created and the actual film.

Wednesday 26 February 2014



Here I have embedded some shots that were taken on the day of filming. Through these images you can see all of our roles in the creation of this film. As you can see I am the camera director , while Georgia and Kala are playing the actresses in the scene. You can see clearly the location used , all the props , actors used and all equipment.

'The Haunting script , storyboard and shot list

‘The Haunting’ 


Written below is the script that our two actors are going to be using throughout the sequence. It is important to have this tool to make sure all footage is consistent when we film it multiple times. Additionally the detail about the location and scene enable to the actors to understand when their lines will come in so there wouldn't be any confusion.


Kayleigh has just walked into the kitchen and is opening the back dog to get her dog so she take her for a walk


(Cheerfully) Walkies!!

What’s up? Come on then!



Kayleigh is now out at the park walking her dog and Clara is haunting her.


(Screams) KAYLEIGH!!!



Kayleigh is now entering an abandoned hut in the woods; Clara is following Kayleigh as she enters this desolate hut.


(Whispers) Kayleigh…

Shot List

Health and safety form

Trip Name:  Media AS filming                                                                     Date: 7/2/14 

Someone may get separated from the group.
·       Every student wear seat belts
·       Register
·       Ensure coach is from a reputable, recommended coach service.
·       Ensure no parties take place
·       Health and safety talk



Going to a forest someone could slip on the mud.

·    No running
·    Watch where your walking
·    Stay with someone at all times


Driving to location ourselves.
Car accident

·    Careful driving
·    Sensible driving


Old building.
Falling bricks
Sharp stuff on the floor
·    Be aware of your surrounding


Stinging nettles.
Being stung
Allergic reaction
·    Be careful where you walk
·    Always be with someone
·    Use a doc leaf to help irritation


Personal illnesses
Asthama attack
Anathalatic shock 
·    Have appropriate medication on you
·    Make sure who you are with is aware



We created this health and safety form to make sure as a group we were aware of the dangers that we may encounter while filming. 
By doing this , this enables us to be prepared for any accidents that may arise and deal with the accordingly. This health and safety form
was written by my team member Kala Hill.



Embedded above is the costumes we used in our horror sequence. Starting with Kayleigh (on the left) we chose for her to have typical everyday clothing on and keep them quite light. These colours connote innocence and just an everyday , typical teen age girl. However we felt to contrast this with the black coat , this has an effect of a shadow which follows Kayleigh around , it shows she has a darker past than first thought. Then with Clara (on the right) we decided to keep with the theme of 'their darker past' , this is what follows Kayleigh around on a daily basis and makes it apparent that Clara is the secret Kayleigh is trying to keep. Therefore Clara is in all black as she is the 'shadow' Kayleighs darker past.

Location shots

Location shots

While out for filming we took pictures of the location we used. Embedded below are pictures from Bentley priory in a slideshow which I made using Animoto , which is one of two locations we used for our horror movie opening sequence. We felt this was a good location to use for our horror movie as it  follows may typical conventions found within horror movies.

Horror movie location shots

One of the first images show that Bentley priory is typical forest , this is a convention found in horror movies as the location denotes isolation and vulnerability. The character is normally shown running from the antagonist through the woods and often gets trapped. We slightly followed this as Kayleigh our main character is being followed by her past through the woods. Additionally we thought the use of the brick hut was very affective , as it was abandoned and ruined. We felt this helped with the idea that some sort of history is hidden within this place.

Monday 24 February 2014

Our horror Ident

Embedded below is the storyboard Kala Hill drew in preparation for creating our group ident for our horror movie opening sequence. 

Georgia was in charge of creating the ident, written below is the process she went through in creating this:
The ident was then created by myself using Final Cut Pro. The ident has a blood design, seeping in on screen as the company name is introduced, a conventional aspect of the horror genre and as a group we felt that this was an effecftive way of creating our ident. The blood has clear connotations of danger and fear, the red colour dominant over the black background the ident first displays, the seeping blood provoking a tension build from the viewers. The slow, sweeping movements of the titles connotes ghost like actions, another convention addressed in our horror movie sequence, also foreshadowing the potential character of a ghost in the film. The simplicity of the sweeping titles, and the colour of them being black and white adds to the tension build intended and also adheres to the many credits of horror movies we have previously researched, of which they keep the fonts and colouring of text very simple, to emphasise the effect of the ident and beginning of the movie that follows.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Ident research

Ident research

Before creating our own ident for our horror movie , individually we are researching into idents. By definition an ident is : 'Short for identification , especially in informal or technical use, this is usually a short sequence shown at the start of films to identify the company' -

I will be looking at the design of the ident and explaining what the audience can see. Then I will explain why I believe they did that and what effect this has.

The first intent I will be analyzing is Dreamworks:

Design: This is on of two dominant 'Dreamworks' animation idents and it has duration of  23 seconds. The animation begins with the camera travelling upwards through the clouds , then as is progresses the sight of a crescent moon comes into view.Then travelling upwards is a cluster of clear balloon with what appears to be an adolescent boy attached to them. Once at the high of the moon , the boy sits down on it and lets go of the balloons. The camera then follows the balloons as they travel further up into the sky and then the balloon explode to form the word 'Dreamworks' in the sky.

Intention: The connotations of the sky and the moon could be a way of showing how big and powerful the company is. Additionally connotations of the moon is serenity and calmness this could be a representation of the films they produce , as most films made by Dreamworks are happy family films. This can also be shown through the use of colour when 'Dreamworks' appears on the screen and the use of an adolescent boy in the sequence. Finally clouds usually symbolise dreams , it appears the 'Dreamworks' have played on this due to the name of their company and therefore throughout the sequence clouds are a dominant feature. 

Secondly I looked at an ident which is more common of the horror movie theme. I choose to look at how dreamworks altered their child friendly ident to fit a horror movie.

Design: The ident begins with the camera tracking along a reflection of cloud and the moon in the water. The a fishing rod appears in the water, the camera then pans up to show the adolescent boy sitting on the crescent moon with a fishing rod in his hand. The moon the forms into the shape of a 'D' , the camera then tracks along showing the word 'Dreamworks' forming in the sky. The sequence is significantly darker than the previous ident and throughout the image becomes distorted.

Intention: As this ident is trying to represent a horror movie , they have intentionally edited their ident to fit the genre. As in their previous ident there is the use of bright colours to represent their family friendly films , now the ident is quite dark and dim to portray that the movie is of a darker form. Additionally the distortions used throughout portray that this is a different form of movie and something you wouldn't expect from dreamworks , it shows their typical genre has been distorted.

Then one of my team members Georgia Pearce went on to research into disney idents and this information is shown below.

In the development of making our beginning scenes of a Horror movie, we researched into the importance and varied range of different idents. Below I have embedded a definition of what an ident is from . 

An ident is what identifies the company that produces the film playing. Some big companies include Lionsgate, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox and Disney.

The first ident I analysed was the ident used by Disney, embedded from The Ident Gallery.

This ident denotes a blue sky, panning across a river and city to reveal the Disney castle, a firework show in the background. The words 'Walt Disney pictures' are revealed, and a streak of light appears around the castle. Although this is a lot more animated and complex than the original company ident (embedded below), it is still very iconic. This ident is now used on most Disney films from 2006 onwards. The intention of this ident connotes a theme of magic, which appeals to the target audience of children and families. Furthermore, the castle is an iconic element that is present in the Disney amusement parks, such as Disney World Florida. The castle is evidently a part of Disney and their logo, as well as their history of the company.

Companies such as Disney occasionally use alternative idents to appeal to appropriate films, or for anniversay editions, genre of film, modernising, to mimic or give a nod to a film for example live action films such as Tron.

Disney have continued to change and modernise their ident for many different films, suggesting to the audience that after the so many years off being a prestige company, they still want to be contemporary and just as relevant as any other production company in the contemporary era of the film industry. The ident for Tron, embedded above, displays Disney as a company evolving into more graphic live action movies, using technologically advanced cgi and special effects, as foreshadowed in their ident for the film. The ident also reflects the theme of the movie, incorporating the use of lights and sci-fi genre and the iconic Disney castle. Another sci-fi genre ident is from the film Lilo And Stitch (2002), embedded below, in which the logo itself gets abducted by aliens, connoting the film plot line involving aliens and reinforcing the genre of sci-fi and action. The castle is displayed on an alternative black background. A green laser appears around the castle instead of the usual magic dust. A beam of green light then appears over the logo, and it shakes and elevates upwards. This is to connote UFOs and alien life, which relates to the storyline as  the lead character Stitch is an alien.