Monday 24 February 2014

Our horror Ident

Embedded below is the storyboard Kala Hill drew in preparation for creating our group ident for our horror movie opening sequence. 

Georgia was in charge of creating the ident, written below is the process she went through in creating this:
The ident was then created by myself using Final Cut Pro. The ident has a blood design, seeping in on screen as the company name is introduced, a conventional aspect of the horror genre and as a group we felt that this was an effecftive way of creating our ident. The blood has clear connotations of danger and fear, the red colour dominant over the black background the ident first displays, the seeping blood provoking a tension build from the viewers. The slow, sweeping movements of the titles connotes ghost like actions, another convention addressed in our horror movie sequence, also foreshadowing the potential character of a ghost in the film. The simplicity of the sweeping titles, and the colour of them being black and white adds to the tension build intended and also adheres to the many credits of horror movies we have previously researched, of which they keep the fonts and colouring of text very simple, to emphasise the effect of the ident and beginning of the movie that follows.

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