Sunday 13 April 2014


Question 1:
Embedded below is the answer to question 1, answered by Myself using prezi.

Question 2:
Embedded below is the answer to question 2, answered by Myself.

The social group that is mainly focused upon in our horror movie opening is adolescent girls. 

We have followed a very stereotypical route when we have presented them in our film. The idea of a damsel in distress have been played upon the most. We have a teen girl who is in a desolate forest on her own and appears to be on edge. She is constantly turning and checking to see if someone is following her. The reason we used this was to keep our horror movie conventional. She is portrayed to be helpless and vulnerable. Additionally we were also representing the youth as unwise , while watching the film the audience would be questioning the characters motives as why would a wise individual enter a forest alone? This builds on a popular idea that adolescents are quite irresponsible. 

Question 3:
Embedded below is the answer to question 3, answered by Myself using

Then embedded below, I have taken screen shots of how The film 'The Ring' has influenced our choices when creating our music video. From these screen shots we have taken tips on editing , the location used and the actors in our movie. The first pictures shows how Dreamworks used editing to achieve the horror genre. They applied effect of a fuzzy TV to their ident and we decided to use this in our horror movie. In the second picture it shows the use of the Fuzzy Tv effect on Final cut pro whenever the Ghost of Kayleigh's past appears on the screen. Secondly our location was influenced by the ring as it starts in a desolate house in the woods. Within our horror movie , our main actress is drawn towards an empty building in the woods. This location is very convention within the horror movie genre. Lastly within 'The Ring" two adolescent girls are shown at the start and our horror movie is based around two teenage girls. From this we have decided to stick with the convention of having a typical damsel in distress.

Questions 4,5,6 and 7:
Embedded below is the link to Kala and Georgia's Weebly page, Kala completed questions 4 and 5, and Georgia completed questions 6 and 7.

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